face reader

Despre noi

Ce putem spune despre noi?

Am participat la cursurile organizate in cadrul EIA ( Emotional Intelligence Academy), unde am invatat ce inseamna analiza comportamentala, predictibilitatea comportamentala si totodata evaluarea adevarului si a credibilitatii pe criterii validate stiintific.

Am cunoscut si colaborat cu o parte din echipa EIA Group: Cliff Lansley, Aaron Garner, Jordan si Sorin. Am descoperit oameni extraordinari, foarte bine pregatiti si cu abilitati practice de a preda metode si tehnici pentru utilizarea permanenta a celor 5 canale de evaluare:

– Voce
– Limbaj Corporal
– Cuvinte / Semantica
– Expresii faciale
– Psihofiziologie

Ne-au placut foarte mult modulele predate, incat ne-am dorit de prima data sa ii convingem sa sustina acest curs pentru cei din Romania, care sunt interesati sa isi dezvolte noi abilitati de evaluare a persoanelor cu care interactioneaza zi de zi.

Suntem convinsi ca aceste cursuri sunt foarte utile pentru cei care activeaza in domeniul resurselor umane, medical, psihologie, banking, politie, judiciar.

La acest curs vor fi prezenti 2 traineri validati de Paul Ekman, ce fac parte din echipa EIA Group – Manchester, unul din acestia este chiar directorul EIA Group – Aaron Garner, iar cel de al doilea este un trainer cu o mare experienta practica, activand zi de zi ca si coordonator al unei echipe antitero dintr-un serviciu secret.

Suntem Certificati –  Parteneri Licentiati pentru Romania, de EIA Group si Paul Ekman. (PEI)

Ne bucuram de acest privilegiu si de oportunitatea de a oferi cat mai multor persoane interesate, sa isi obtina prin participarea la acest curs, doua Certificari recunoscute la nivel international:  ESaC si ETaC.




Aveti mai jos, textul in engleza al scrisorii care atesta sustinerea cursului in Romania de catre cei din echipa lui Paul Ekman.



Paul Ekman Approved 5-day course – „Emotional Skills and Evaluating Truth and Credibility”
Delivered by EIA Group in Partnership with our Agent,

Face-Reader.ro, in Romania.

The aim of this course is for you to develop your emotional skills and enhance your credibility analysis and deception detection skills.

You will:
• Learn to recognize and manage your own emotions
• Improve your ability to identify emotions in others
• Develop powerful strategies for building productive relationships
• Identifying hidden messages and deception in others
• Enhancing your ability to analyse verbal and nonverbal behavioural cues
• Developing robust questioning strategies to elicit valuable information from others.

This five-day program is centred on cutting edge behavioural science and will prepare you with the knowledge, understanding, skills, and application of emotional competencies. The course is designed to help you become aware of, and manage the emotions of those around you, and master your own emotions (before they get you into any trouble!), Based on Dr Ekman’s research and world class training methodology, you will work through the emotional timeline from trigger… to impulse… to action to understand the challenges and skills around emotional awareness and then learn powerful techniques to overcome these challenges and increase your emotional competence.

This course will develop your people reading skills and enable you to see and hear true emotions in others – a vital skill for developing and maintaining successful, and meaningful relationships.
During this training, you will learn how to read the verbal and nonverbal behaviours of others. This will include the decoding of facial expressions, plus the other four key communication channels that tell us what others are really thinking and feeling. These are, a person’s Body Language, their Voice, the Verbal Communication Style, and the Verbal content or the words they use.

The course covers the psychological models behind truth and lies, plus the skills required to identify ‘Hotspots’ – instances when the strain between what we are thinking and what we are feeling produce observable/audible leakage across the five channels.

Day 1-2: Emotional Skills and Competences
Day 3-5: Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility.

You will practice and hone your skills using videos and activities in a safe environment with Paul Ekman International Approved Professionals.

Cliff Lansley – CEO of Paul Ekman International and the EIA Group.